Thursday, February 21, 2008

Baby, Baby

Upon Olivia's 23rd month of life, I decided last night that I would do a thorough inventory of all the stuff that she has.  Her room and all her stuff that she's acquired over the past 23 months of her life is driving me CRAZY.  It's my fault... we have so many friends and a loving church network, I didn't see all the gifts and hand-me-downs coming.  HELLO.  Her clothes!!  Literally mountains of clothes!  I put all her clothes into three piles. 
1)  Keepers, still fit (even out of season.)
2)  Store for next baby girl.
3)  Give it away, now.

The Give it away now pile is enormous.  Goodwill is going to have a baby hay-day when we bring our stuff up there.  A lot of the give away pile is brand new, too!  She has so many clothes that I couldn't even get to all of them.  She also didn't wear some of them because she was either too small or now, too big for the season specific clothing.  Or I was just particular about the style.  

In light of all this, I'm also trying to find her a cute birthday outfit.  In the process, I've found a new children's clothing brand, a bit on the expensive side, that I will be checking for sales on their website or finding deals on e-bay.  Maybe other moms out there are already savvy to Tea Collection.  The styles here are definitely one of a kind, not your average "Carters" clothing.  I like a lot of Carters style, but you'll see what I mean.  I just don't get how some people put their adorable chillens in some stuff.  I'm not so much talking about the newborns, I mean more toddler age.  



1 comment:

Melissa said...

these are so cute Arianne. Olivia is luck that you have good style.