Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'll Call it Art Now.

As with the movie Cloverfield, I'm beginning this blog with mixed emoticons, except this time about the name.  iKennon.  Cheesy or awesome?  I can't decide.  It just came to me as I was filling out the "create Blog" information.  It's the first I've heard of the mp3 player name spin-off, and I already know people are going to keep doing it.  Okay, it's the second I've heard of, after that one kid's TV show.  Whatever.  

I realized that I'm somewhat of a "late bloomer".  I guess that term is relative.  There were definitely areas of my life, such as the hatred of "girly" anything, that I grew out of later than most.  I'm pretty sure this was because I was raised with friends that were boys and all we wanted to do was play kick-ball or flag football in the cul-de-sac.  I was good at it then, and I enjoyed it!  All my clothing was a size and a half too big... and let's just say I looked rough more than I looked prim and proper.  I didn't have any boyfriends in high school, though there were many offers.  I didn't have my first "real" boyfriend until I was 20 (and this is the one I eventually married).  Some might say that it was due to my late "bloomage" but that would be incorrect.  There were a couple of boys that I liked then and the thought of being in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship deal seemed nice, but I simply made a conscious  decision not to get into one.  

This realization came out of, finally, my recent decision to become a Graphic Designer.  And I mean recent as in about three days ago.  I want to be a graphic designer when I grow up.  I am 27 years old!  Why am I just now realizing this??  
After graduating high school, I had zero direction.  I felt like there were several things that I was decent at and could really enjoy studying and become good.  So in the meantime, I decided to go for an AAS degree, Information Technology, at my dad's urgings.  "It's a good fall back" dad said and it's true!  You know, my dad suggested Graphic Design after high school for me.  Go figure.  So this first, and then I'll go on to film school.  With much prayer, I'm on a mission to find out what the best plan will be.  I'll be looking for info on financial aid, schools in nearby, etc.  I'm super excited!

This here is my recent art.  It was a very non-organized idea at a shot for a music and fashion magazine ad that I did overnight.  Not my favorite work, but fun.

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