Friday, July 18, 2008

What's Wrong With This Picture? Just Do the Right Thing!

Late last week at work, I realized that we go through a LOT of paper and found out that since we were a small company, no one had yet thought about implementing a recycling plan, or at least moved on it.  So I decided to begin a recycling station by my desk.  In four days, we accumulated about 30 lbs. of recyclables.  I called the nearest recycling center (located a few buildings away from us, on the same street) asking if I could just haul the small hill over myself...

"Hmm... oh, well, I'm so sorry, but we can only accept it if you have an account with us."

"Well, I just want to drop off a small stack of recyclable items, and since we're right down the road, I'll just bring it over there myself."  

"Riiight.  Well, unfortunately, I don't see your company's name in the system, so we won't be able to accept your items."


"Oh, okay, you all don't actually do any recycling on the site, you all just do the pick up?"

"Oh, no no, we actually do recycling here onsite."


"Ok.  I just want to do the right thing and drop these off somewhere for recycling before my boss decides to put it in the garbage."

"Awwwwe, right, I understand, but unfortunately unless we establish an account with you, we won't be able to take it."

"Hm.  Okay, thanks."

So I brought it all home so that I can recycle in my own bin.  


Melissa said...

I can't believe they would actually deter you from recycling. Isn't that what they are there for. What do you have to do to get an account with them? (please don't tell me you have to pay)

Arianne said...

Annie, I think I accidentally erased your posted comment (they have a new comment moderation process) Here it is: "Of course you pay. That's their job. They don't recycle for free. In order for them to help you "be green," you have to show them the "green." haha. seriously."

Arianne said...

True that they need funds in order to be able to even recycle in the first place. The only issue I had in this particular instance is that I was searching for someone to simply take one box of recyclables, at least just this once... until I can find a drop-off type of place, which I'm sure there's one around here somewhere. This recycling plants issue is that they are a 'larger' recycling plant that makes it a business - especially in the industrial park section of Chesapeake. What I didn't include is that after our conversation, they sent an account representative to our office, where she was trying to explain that in order for us to be able to recycle at their plant, we would have to set up an account and choose one of their larger (garbage container size that only a truck can pick up) to put in our back parking lot, and for a monthly fee. In this case, it was all pretty unnecessary since I could just save on their truck gasoline and walk right next door and drop it off myself, since it is usually only a small box this one time. Hope that makes sense.